Dribble, Pass, Shoot! We will develop and expand upon skills in dribbling, passing, and shooting in a game atmosphere. Athletes will learn good spo...More
Dribble, Pass, Shoot! We will develop and expand upon skills in dribbling, passing, and shooting in a game atmosphere. Athletes will learn good sportsmanship in a competitive environment and strive to progress to higher levels of the sport. Colored jersey is included, shorts purchased at registration.
Schedule & Uniforms:
4U-6U will practice and play games all on Saturdays. 8U-14 age will practice for 1 hour during the week and play games on Weekends, please check with local branch to determine days. Please provide a jersey size during registration, it’s included in the registration fee. Uniforms will require black athletic bottoms for gameday. You can purchase YMCA athletic shorts during registration for an additional fee.
All rosters and schedules will be posted through our communication app called playerspace. In your welcome email, you will be given links and instructions to download the app and recover your login information. General communication for this league will be sent via email or through the app. All emails will be sent to the primary account holder on the YMCA membership account.
Volunteer Coach & Roster Request:
During the registration process you will be asked if you would like to be a volunteer coach. Please state yes and put down the name of the coach, phone number and email. If you volunteer to coach a team, your child will be placed on the team you are coaching. All teams must have at least one volunteer coach. For roster request our 4U-8U teams are made at random. For 10U-14U, Skill evaluations will be 2 Saturdays prior to the first practice. For this age group rosters are made based on skill evaluations first. This is done to ensure fairness across these leagues. Please submit roster requests during registration.